Monday, January 18, 2016

Life Is A Battlefield...

It is Not About Recruiters, It is About YOU!
by Nick Ashton, (

Get ZoooMeeefied, Take Control!

Job hunting is a pain in the "you know where"!  

Does it have to be?

Growing your company and not knowing if your employees are the right team to attain your goals is a common place. 

Does it have to be?

In this 2016 downturned economy, yet again, survival change is necessary on the makeup of your employees and the corporate goals previously set. Who should you reach-out to?

Recruiters and so called Change agents are thinking of themselves and not YOU individually or even the reality of growth and necessary change for your corporation.

It is all about THEM!

Not Any More!

Firstly, let us start with a job seekers opportunities and disappointments. Searching for a new or change of employment is a monumental task of highs and lows with an overshadowment of rejection.  With more than a tinge of annoyance.

It does not have to be like that from today on!

Job seekers, stop writing resumes to fit the job posted, stop not hearing if your application was accepted, waiting on the non-existent reply on whether you had success or not.


There is a proven European answer to your potential employment and corporate change woes and NOW here in the United States of America:


It is proven and as simple as answering some questions honestly on-line, simple questions, like or dislike questions and ZoooMeee© does the rest.

The jobs find you!

As an employer, to post jobs on ZoooMeee takes a few minutes and even includes your current employees within the ZoooMeee solution.  Human resources now has all details of all employees within the company, making it easier to know who you have and the insight to the existing talent pool.

Never has there been an employment/employer solution this simple and investment effective.

ZoooMeee goes much further, it will direct you to your on-going business growth, letting you know what you have as a talent pool can take to the next growth stage.

In business we all have battles to fight, they are your battlefields and you need the right mix of employees to fight those battles and beat your competition.

The Challenge is today, organizations balance their choices between reducing costs and business development.

It is our Opportunities, whatever the choice, companies have to identify and develop critical competencies to win key battles.

It is the Execution, we identify key battles and define actions to accomplish results within 90 days.

ZoooMeee shows which key battles to fight and what internal employee and management support is present.  It is about the understanding of the tools that are required, not for today, but for tomorrow and if you have the right mix of employee/managerial support to achieve those goals.

Now is the Time

The Time to Get ZoooMeefied!


North America (Ohio):        +1 (614) 655.1247

Europe (The Netherlands): +31 611.303489

copyright 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

You May Possess The Keys, 
But Who, Has the Illicit Second Set?

Key holders might believe they are in control of every door.  

They are NOT!

Keys are not pieces of metal anymore, they are more flimsy than that.  It can be as simple as a thumb print or an iris scan.  In fact, even your veins, yes the very carriers of your blood, as a biometric security object.

The lock has always signified that there is something of value being secured. From the vault in a financial institution to the shed at the bottom of the garden, something inside is being guarded by a simple lock.

Every American Super Bowl in years past, had a padlock manufacturer spend their marketing budget on just one commercial all year long.  The ad showed the lock being shot at, hit, and still working, securing whatever was being protected.  The power of their padlock against the energy of a bullet.

How things have changed and have they changed for the better?  Are we more secure in today's world or is it all a misnomer? 

Technology has taken over and some bright sparks believe that technology and technology alone is the protector of all.  In theory it might be, reality paints a totally different picture.

Somewhere along the line passwords were introduced and were a technology change to the old rotating numbers on the bottom of a key-less lock. 

Passwords, a combination made up of letters by a human, that thought they were more clever than their friends and inquisitors.  They are not and are hacked so simply and we still continue to use them, knowing they are a pain in the rear end and really useless.

As it turns out, the man who invented the computer password back in the early 1960's agrees. In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, 87-year-old Fernando Corbato said that the password has become "kind of a nightmare."

Access Control for that is what we are talking about is not as secure as we really think.  Keypads and passwords are used for the majority of access entry methods.  The crux of the issue is the unstable, hackable password.  It is not just the hack, it is the way we humans treat passwords!  Forget them, loan them out, post them on a wall or a post-it note for all to see and then the ultimate, stolen or phished.  

The poor password needs representation as it is so misused and abused!

CommSmart Global's Red Tagged Team has the positive approach, in sympathy of the password, retire it to a greener pasture and replace with Trusted Remedy, Device DNA.

As the majority now carry and use Smart Mobile Phones we can authenticate the individual wanting access by their device and if you wish still use a password or biometrics.  This means the main means of access is the devices DNA with a secondary means of identification.  

With the ability to use cameras via the Internet we have a visual method as well.  This combined with Facial Recognition will be your secure gatekeeper. The digital logging and cross checking all being completed in milliseconds.  Any issue will alert those at a master control or even in the field.

With Access Control we are addressing:
  • Authentication 
  • Authorization 
  • Effective Strategy
The combination for your situation, employees, public access and corporation need to be discussed in a more private forum, we would like to do so.

North America: +1 (614) 655-1247
Europe: +31 611.303489

copyright 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Failed Cyber Protection, An Everyday Story Of Continuing Corporate Failure

Failed Cyber Protection,
An Everyday Story Of continuing Corporate Failure
By Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies.

For they do not know what they do!

Cyber security is of the utmost importance to us all and corporations are failing miserably!  

It is as if the CEO, Board and C-level Executives don't give a toss!

You do not ask a car driver to take control of a passenger airliner do you?  

Should there be some sort of training or a willingness to learn if one is to fly and control a corporation?

Control means control!  All facets of a 2015 and beyond corporation have to be understood from top to bottom! 

What happened to apprenticeships? 

Learning each and every department involved in the make-up of a company.  Gone and causing more castigation than you can imagine!

CEO’s, CFO’s, COO’s and Board Members are the hired help at the most and are moving around from company to company like Football managers.  Most have no strategy or ability to play the game.  Their training for the overall running of the company is lacking and seems to be by name recognition only.

K it seems is the only initial that is the perfect example of “who the hell are they and what have they done”?  The Kardashians have all the headlines and have nothing in their stable except media manipulation.  They could never organization a beer party in a brewery!

Target, Sears, K-mart and J C Penny are the perfect corporate example of top management with no knowledge of the overall understanding of how a company should be successfully run.  Each one is reliant on customers and a continuous stream of repetitive buying by those individuals.  The customer TRUSTS those they purchase from.  

In those corporations cases, the TRUST is GONE!

From the Loyalty program to the swiping of a bank card to conclude a purchase, companies have very personal information on their clients and customers and this must be safeguarded at all times!  Top management have not one inkling of what that entails and would rather be arranging their next party or social soirĂ©e!  
Even property management companies, whose regulation is in doubt, which are out there by the thousands, as America is renting their housing rather than attempting to purchase, has very personal information on their desktop computers.  Which includes background check information which includes SS#’s, bank account #’s and more than would ever want someone to get their hands on.

The same computer that Ethel checks and answers her personal email, searches for friends on Facebook and visits the gossip pages.  Totally unsecured data and completely untrustworthy.

Sadly the public is it seems goes it’s merry way until the cyber vermin strike!

Just some humble thoughts…

The answer for data security is available and if you are concerned should visit

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

North America: +1 (614) 655-1247
Europe:         +31 6.11 303489

Copyright 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016

Innovation & Ingenuity - All About Change...

Innovation & Ingenuity

In the beginning, making your notes of how you are going to win over the world have been scratched on a napkin or a scrap of paper, rewritten in Microsoft Word and many a spreadsheet created, compared and settled upon, it is ready and wanting that important air to be infused.
It is just like having baby!  It is your child and you want the best and will go to whatever lengths to make sure that it will happen.  The possessiveness is extraordinary and rightly so, it is your flesh and blood, your DNA!  The difference with the company birth is simple, there are more people involved in the now overcrowded delivery room, although exciting, and it is an overwhelming experience.  Everyone wants in, taking “selfies” and being at the inception of a journey.
It is now moved from the drawing board and possibly the garage, to the real world of not just you.  Thinking we can do it all ourselves is a fallacy, which brings us to the next step, the start-up, hiring people and bringing it all to market.  Spending and investing our own money in an opportunity we personally believe in.
Now some, have brilliant ideas and sadly lack in several areas, management and manufacturing skills and importantly, finance.  This is where certain conflicts rear their ugly heads.  It is the possessive clasping of the opportunity and not wanting to let go.  Without the money, marketing and manufacturing there is nothing!
Angel Investors or even the bank will demand their large percentage as they are placing financial risk.  You, on the other hand, are only allowing them to participate without spending a dime in their eyes.  None of these are wrong, it is just the traits of humans and attempting to do open a business.
It is taking the next steps that more difficult.
So many turn to sports analogies, which do not get me wrong, have their place.  Coaches review what the full potential of the players are and create a playbook.  Do they stick to it?  No!  It is the adaptability of their mindset that is the difference.  Being proactive, not reactive, and fully understanding all aspects of the game, physical experiences and the players.
Football, with round ball, is a perfect example, trades, changes and practice.  This must be introduced to your company and it is always from the outside in.  Fresh eyes, thoughts and market changes, must be recognized, acted upon and this comes from the top down’s blessing, with a bottom up introduction.  It is all about getting the right message to the right people!  Just like a football manager, he trades players and ideas, as it is an evolving playing field.
Unless you have been through it yourself, you have no idea of what it takes and the endurance that is required to maintain a business.  The paperwork will bury you and those business licenses, you now know why you need outside help!
It is all about Change.  Believe it our not we are all indecisive and the Weakest Link, as we are too close to what we dreamed and stifle the growth factor.
Possessive is an understatement!
To move forward and enhance your original thoughts and plans takes Cultural Change.  No, not retraining as you do not want someone espousing their thoughts and you making notes. 
It is all about Cultural Coaching Change!

North America: +1 (614) 655-1247
Europe: +31 611 303489

copyright 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Frustration of the Job Marketplace...

The Frustration of the Job Marketplace...
Nick Ashton, CEO/CTo CommSmart Global Group of Companies

As a software cyber security group of companies, we have done our fair share of global hirings.  Be honest, it is a pain in the you know where...

So we sought out the change, the reversal of job seeking fortune, so to speak.

It is frustrating for both parties and the majority of companies and recruiters play the numbers game.

Those that apply are left in "job seeking limbo", not knowing if they have been successful or not.  Waiting on the non existent reply.  Annoying to say the least!

So we have just brought ZoooMeee to North America.

Video Overview
Those seeking employees have a more simplified means to list their openings. 

Those seeking employment, it has changed radically and we are looking for those companies who want a more cost effective, secure and successful means of hiring.

So I made this statement:

Well, the worse job I ever had, was looking for a job!

Fact or Fiction?

You are the Talent and the Jobs Should Search Out You !

Job seeking is not the most productive period of your life!

It has all changed for the better. 

Let the job find you!

No more resumes to send out, just fill out the questions with simple like or dislike answers, your name, location and email address and ZoooMeee does the rest.

It will match you with employment that fits your profile and then you click and apply!

The company who is offering the position does the rest from your ZoooMeee profile and if you are what they are looking for, the interview will happen.
If not, you are informed immediately, so there is no nail biting waiting period.
It even advises you or how you be more qualified, what improvements can be studied to be be a better candidate.  It evens includes education resources.

Works on any platform, computer, Smartphone, tablet etc. and even has an APP!

As the jobs become available you are informed, that simple, that ZoooMeee!

Works for your corporation too.  It simplifies the hiring process and has many more features we can demonstrate for you.

Corporately, if want to know more, contact us for a demonstration.

North America: +1 (614) 655.1247
Europe: +31 611.303489

copyright 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Are You Ready For The Hacking & Phishing New Year Fairies?

Are You Ready For The Hacking & Phishing New Year Fairies?

Ho,Ho, Ho, you and your family are the target of an elite group of scum bucketsThe New Year Hacking & Phishing Fairy Brigade

In fact they ply their ill-gotten wares every single day and are tremendously successful.


Simple, because you are still using passwords with lame security and think it is not your responsibility. 


Passwords are a thing of the past, Bah Humbug!

Trusted Remedy uses Device DNA, your device, not a human made up password that is shared, stolen, borrowed or forgotten!

Then, you have the retail giants who gladly ply you with bargains and specials, enticing you to spend your hard earned money, although it is through a plastic credit/debit card.  

That piece of plastic is the entrance to your social soul, if the transaction is not protected correctly, well, look at the hundreds of millions before you that have had their bank accounts raided, social security numbers stolen and some of those naughty and nice photographs spread around the world for all to see, giggled at and shared further with others, including Auntie Gladys.

It does not stop there!  What about your Smart Mobile Phone, Phablet, Tablet, Laptop and Desktop Computer?  How secure are they?  Every time you send an email, search the web, fill out a form, use Wi-Fi Hotspots, you are being watched.  It is like opening a door and forgetting to close it for a few short moments.  You never know who is going to creep in behind you!

We use all of our computer devices for business, pleasure and social reasons, forgetting that security is the #1 priority in keeping our employer and our families safe, from the dubious Hackers, Phishers and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers. 

In Real Terms, YOU are YOUR Worst Enemy!

So this new year, give yourselves the satisfaction of security with a Trusted Remedy from Red Tagged, protect all your computer devices, your company and especially your family, make this New Year a disaster for the New Year Hacking & Phishing Fairy Brigade.


COPYRIGHT 1976 - 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Be Good So They Can't Ignore You...

Be Good So They Can't Ignore You...
by Nick Ashton, Red Tagged
It is a fact that in this fast pace environment, trust in anything has been diminished. Even Einstein is questioned or Madam Curie dissected to the point of mistrust in all they are to supposed to have said or achieved.
The bomb, bullet, beheadings and political correctness have captured center stage.  Not a headline goes by without the spillage of blood somewhere.  In this instant information age, which in some cases are not the real facts, we live and breath on deceptive and erroneous, false information.  Who do you believe anymore?

So called religious factions tell you that their God is better than your God and GM states that their cars and trucks are better than Fords!  Well, my washing powder gets my clothes whiter than yours, so there!

Demands are made on us all to be as completely honest in all we do. There are those that do not like that we market our wares and have an ulterior motive in statements we make. Of course we do, it is a marketing world with half truths abounding like like "fly balls" at a baseball game. It seems that anything to do with marketing is not to be trusted. Does that go for political wannabes too?

Steve Martin, that wild and crazy guy, is quoted as saying "Be good so they can't ignore you".  Well, I am that kind guy!  Not perfect, rough around the edges and have certainly changed over the years.  I have, like us all, evolved, learned lessons and evoke that knowledge on a daily basis for the common good of us all.  

Grumpy, argumentative and stubborn can also be adjectives you can loosely attach to my persona.  Pedantic, but not perfect is an understatement!  I do not make statements that cannot be backed up or verified.  Today I am proud to be part of a team that can lay it on the line when it comes to getting it right. Especially on security of information or all data in motion.

Having cut my teeth in counter terrorism and seeing the horror of man, I fully understand that the human race is a sadistic, grotesque group of conniving bastards, to say the least. 

Entering the world of computers, in 1976, bringing that terroristic mindset to the world of noughts and zeros, has made me fully understand both worlds and even more so today.

Some twenty-five later, being called back to share my counter terrorism expertise in the Iraq conflict changed my thinking.  Internet communications was in its infancy and what we term "normal" communication was changing right under our noses.  

The initial attack on Baghdad was controlled from the back of a truck on the outskirts of the city with two laptops and the Internet.  Truly a major attack through what we now call the Internet of Things (IoT)! 

The other real factor was creating the ability to hear the "chatter of the streets" or Atmospherics, as we call it.  Mashed old fashion listening by humans with disruptive technology to enhance our overall success.  For instance, the digital pen and paper.  Who would question someone writing notes in a cafe on a notepad?  Ah, if the pen is digital and everything that is being written is transmitted via the cellphone to another source a world away.  With pinpoint GPS accuracy or location and solid information.  That is the mindset we have created for use in these cyber terroristc times.

Cyber terrorists cost more worldwide that physical blood curdling terrorism and is ignored by all. 

Financial hackers affect billions annually and cost every single one of us time, money and aggravation, which we can ill-afford.

Why then do you individually download APPS to your Smartphones, knowing full well that the APP is spying on you and can copy all your personal information?
Why do corporations, who demand you give them freely all your financial information and I.D. Numbers never protect you from the hacker?

Is it that we are risk takers, gamblers or just plain stupid?

Corporate Board members, Chief Executive Officers are employees and can be fired or dismissed at will.  Their failure is obvious and Shareholders and Customers alike should screaming Blue Bloody Murder over these daily cyber thefts!

Then again as individuals YOU must understand how to protect your own information too!

If you won't WE will!

Red Tagged was formed from a successful group of "like minded" corporate individuals who are far from the "norm".  Collectively we know our cyber security business inside out and from both sides of the cyber fence. Approaching with candor previously unknown in the "geek and nerd" world of computers.

No one and we mean no one has the mind or tool set to combat this aggressive and progressive dire issue.  Hacking, Phishing and Man in the Middle Brutal Attacks are not slowing down and corporately the public are being compromised with extreme cost.

Who we are?
  • Origin in Counter Terrorism from 1976
  • Global organisation with offices in Europe and US
  • Trusted Partnerships with specialists
  • Cyber Forensic Archaeologists
  • Specialized in Cyber Security
  • Hands On Security Consultants
  • Security Innovators
Importantly we can talk one on one. Red Tagged is not there to slap or embarrass you or your Information Technology Department. 

Red Tagged is here to show you your issues, recommend security changes and importantly, leave you with on-going security measures in "real time" to protect all your daily and future needs.  Importantly your shareholders, customers and clients.
It is all about Duty of Care and Corporate Governance!

So in true Red Tagged style, Do Not Ignore Us!

We Are Not Going To Ignore The Cyber Terroristic Issues!

North America: +1 (614) 655.1247

Europe: +31 611 303489

copyright 1976 - 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016


by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Group of Companies

Where has privacy and trust gone?  Certainly the retail trade is the most mistrusted part of society, cops are even now being so miss trusted, lawlessness is rife and our society is going to hell in a handbasket.

Where is the Cyber Security Stewardship?

Once upon a time the water cooler was the place of action each morning. Today, no one is really having conversations, they just look into their hands and the center of their world, the Smart Mobile Phone or Tablet. 

Discussion, reading a book or even talking or a walk in the park, where has it all gone and more importantly, where is it going?

Data criminal theft is so rife, it seems not to be being treated as a major issue, in everyone's eyes.  You cannot trust your information with anyone but yourself and even that is suspect!

Data and personal information is the most sought after item that is being stolen and sold today.  The ultimate protection of this, is with you, no one else. Corporations which collect your info are not, I repeat not to be trusted and need to be challenged.  It is not a personal matter, it is a fact!

Information technology departments and their leaders have never been the most communicative bunch.  We personally have been dealing with them since 1976 and they have not changed.  It is with this in mind that CommSmart Global sets itself apart for the accepted norm.

Through our cyber security analysis, knowing what or who is doing what to your data, good, bad and the ugly.  

Malware Threat Defenders are a needed solution in real time. 

Dashboard and Portal to secure all your employees, clients/customers, vendors and sub-contractors and their ability to be secure and open the doors to the main data silos. 

Mobile Phones and the Internet are an extreme risk!  

Privacy, freedom of expression and of information are considered as fundamental human rights and they are anchored within the legal corporate and personal framework. However certain aspects of protection of personal data are difficult to address and implement entirely and require more logical and simple understanding.

We live in a fast changing world, new information technologies and applications change our society daily. Although these technologies make our lives easier, at the same time they generate new privacy and security challenges. It is important to identify risks and to provide recommendations to reduce threats. However, data breaches do occur and have increased at such a rate, no single corporation in the commercial world can keep pace. Hence, it is essential to provide a notification framework.  To be one step ahead and have fresh eyes is vitally important.

That is why focused views must be used and by this, all our clients will benefit from this cyber informational overview of attacks and vulnerabilities. 

It starts with a full investigation of current practices, standard operational procedures, experiences and trends.  Cyber attacks are not just outsiders, internal disgruntled current and former employees or contract services are also a major part of the issue.

When did you last vet your employees?  It has, in today's society, been an ongoing part of doing business.  This way you can isolate and recognize patterns and possible situations.  This includes domestic violence issues that are attracted back to the workplace and that employee who has drug/alcohol or criminal problems can be addressed. No stone must be left un-turned!

As a corporation you are responsible to the shareholders, clients and customers and the inner workings of the company.  This means the employees as well.

Do not Negate Your Duty of Care or Corporate Governance 

They talk about insurance policies for cyber protection, remember insurance is nothing more than a gamble that something is going to go wrong. In the world of cyber data theft, the chances are extremely high from both external and internal situations.  Insurance alone is not the solution, you must have outside trusted eyes to look deeply into your practices of data in motion, with action taken to stop these issues to the best of your abilities.

CommSmart Global through our worldwide operations are on top of the issues, laws and solutions.


Use our Cyber Sniffers & Honey Decoys!  

A CommSmart Global Company

We ensuring Privacy and Security!

North America: +1 (614) 655-1247
Europe:        +31 611 303489

copyright 1996 -2016